Every Drop Counts

Did you know that the average American uses 100 gallons of water every day? But we can all reduce that amount by as much as 30 gallons by taking a few simple steps, such as installing WaterSense labeled plumbing fixtures and using water efficiently in our yards.


The Central Delaware County Authority, CDCA, is committed to protecting the future of our national and local water supply through water-efficient practices, products, and services. That is why we are partnering with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to bring to you WaterSense, a national program that offers people a simple way to make product choices that use less water—and perform as well or better than your existing products.


Why Should You Care?



Learn More


Go to the WaterSense website [http://www.epa.gov/watersense/] to learn more.  Some of the highlights include:

Test Your WaterSence

Calculate Your Water Savings

Connect with WaterSence

Find Rebates Near You

Start at Home

WaterSence for Kids






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